Communication Skills

We are one-stop solution for English language and its comprehension. You can always customize your lessons/sessions as per your needs. You can select the topics you want to study with us and make your own learning dashboard.

Basic (A1 & A2): Duration 3 Months

Week 1

  • Asking & Answering: Me and My Address
  • Asking & Answering: About Family
  • Asking & Answering: About Jobs
  • Asking & Answering: Favourite Colours
  • Asking & Answering: Favorite Fruits

Week 2

  • Knowing: Vegetables Aroud You & Your Favourite
  • Knowing: Food Around You & Your Favourite
  • Knowing: Sweets Around You & Your Favourite
  • Knowing: Different Dresses & Your Favourite
  • The Week: Tell Us Your Weekly Schedule

Week 3

  • The Month/Calendar: Let's Plan Your Calendar
  • Finding Things: At House (furniture, electronics)
  • Finding Things: In Kitchen
  • Discussion: Movie Time (Episode 1/2)
  • Knowing : Time Zones & Telling Time (Clock)

Week 4

  • Exploring: Your School, College, and/or Office
  • Your Favorite Sports: (Using Can & Can't)
  • Transportation: To get to school, college, work, etc.?
  • Introducing Self (Using I, me, my, mine, myself)
  • Introducing Others (Using he, his, him, she, her, etc.)

Week 5

  • Knowing: Your Neighbours & Neighborhood
  • Looking for Things: At Grocery Store
  • Looking for Things: At Stationery Store
  • Exploring Things: In your garden
  • Knowing: Birds Around You & Your Favourite

Week 6

  • Where are they? (Prepositions- in, on, at, etc.)
  • Knowing: Different Animals & Your Favorite
  • Looking for Flowers: At Bouquet Shop
  • Knowing: Secred/Holy Places
  • Using Do, Don't, Does, Doesn't, Did and Didn't

Week 7

  • Discussion: Teacher/Coach Vs Favorite Subjects/Sports
  • Manners: Eating and Living Healthy
  • Self-Care: Hygiene, Illness & Safety
  • Discussion: Movie Time (Episode 3/4)
  • Giving advice: Shall, should, shouldn’t, ought to, etc.

Week 8

  • When did you visit Post-office last tiem?
  • When did you go to Doctor/Clinic last time?
  • How often do you go to Salon?
  • Have you even been to Pottery shop?
  • Knowing: Different Festivals & Your Favourite

Week 9

  • Attending Functions: Marriage, Birthday, etc.
  • Knowing: Field and Its crops
  • Knowing: Seasons and Weathers in Your Country
  • Show Time: Weather Forecast
  • Using May, Must, and Might

Week 10

  • Activity: Sentence Structure (Ask/Answer Questions)
  • Intonation: The music of a language & Movie Time (Episode 5)
  • Manner of Articulation: Sounds- Th, Ph, W, V, etc. & Movie Time (Episode 6)
  • Create/present rules for- playground, classroom, etc.
  • Knowing: Insects Around You & Not to be Scared
The Third School