Our Safeguarding

The purpose of this policy statement is to ensure TheThirdSchool protect the children and young people who receive our services.

We believe that children and young people should never experience abuse of any kind. We have a responsibility to promote the welfare of all children and young people, to keep them safe and to practise in a way that protects them.

  • We commit to check that every tutor has no criminal record, has references taken and checked and is deemed, through interviews, suitable for working with children.
  • We commit that every tutor should have safeguarding training, tailored to people providing online tuition and that they will undertake this every year. The tutor training will include the following learning outcomes:
    • Identify what is meant by safeguarding and child protection
    • Understand the signs and indicators of abuse and neglect
    • Know how to respond appropriately to concerns about the safety and welfare of children
    • Identify the correct procedures for reporting a concern and know who to report to and how
    • Recognised the importance of recording and the principles of good recording practice
    • Understand that safeguarding children is the responsibility of all staff working in an education setting
  • We are committed to regular child protection training for all other staff (non-tutors), and have a regular feedback process to allow for opportunities to reflect on practice.
  • We are committed to making our safeguarding information easily accessible to schools, parents and staffs.
  • We are committed to creating an open and supportive working environment where employees feel able to speak up about any suspected wrongdoing. This is reinforced in staff training where we encourage an open and supportive environment to raise safeguarding questions and concerns.

Our policies and procedures are checked and updated annually and will take into account new guidance, regulation or legislation that is coming into force for the new academic year.

The Third School